Tower – Version: 24.11.23 (Finished)

Game Informations

Hello, my name is Alexander! I am 19 years old and here I live with Maria and Yulka, she recently turned 18 years old. My father was in a plane crash two years ago, the plane disappeared over the ocean, the wreckage was never found. Since the plane crash, Maria is depressed, I tried to ease her life, helped her, etc., but so far nothing helps. Yulia is a typical young girl, stuck in the phone loves fashion, music and movies. We get along well, sometimes walking together on weekends. Well, I graduated from school and entered the local university. We should look for some extra work, or Maria’s hard to support the two of us.​

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How to install?

  • Extract using latest 7zip or latest WinRAR to desired location.
  • Run “Tower.exe” to play game

System Requirements:

  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 16.5 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Tower – Finished – Version 24.11.23 Download Links

Windows Fileknot Gofile Mega Pixeldrain
Fileknot (Split Part 1) Gofile (Split Part 1) Mega (Split Part 1) Mixdrop (Split Part 1) Pixeldrain (Split Part 1) Uploadhaven (Split Part 1)
Fileknot (Split Part 2) Gofile (Split Part 2) Mega (Split Part 2) Mixdrop (Split Part 2) Pixeldrain (Split Part 2) Uploadhaven (Split Part 2)
Fileknot (Split Part 3) Gofile (Split Part 3) Mega (Split Part 3) Mixdrop (Split Part 3) Pixeldrain (Split Part 3) Uploadhaven (Split Part 3)
Fileknot (Split Part 4) Gofile (Split Part 4) Mega (Split Part 4) Mixdrop (Split Part 4) Pixeldrain (Split Part 4) Uploadhaven (Split Part 4)
Fileknot (Update Only v30.06.23 -> v24.11.23) Gofile (Update Only v30.06.23 -> v24.11.23) Mega (Update Only v30.06.23 -> v24.11.23) Mixdrop (Update Only v30.06.23 -> v24.11.23) Pixeldrain (Update Only v30.06.23 -> v24.11.23) Workupload (Update Only v30.06.23 -> v24.11.23)
Fileknot (Demo) Gofile (Demo) Mega (Demo) Pixeldrain (Demo) Uploadhaven (Demo)


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